Friday, November 8, 2013

How to Work the Unfair Lures Mullet 70, 90 and 120 (Suspend and Fast Suspend Models)

Not sure how to work the Unfair Lures Mullet 70, 90 and 120 (Suspend and Fast Suspend Models)?  Watch this video and use this technique and you'll be sure to catch the fish!

The Mullet 70 and Mullet 90 are available in both the suspend and fast suspend model; while the Mullet 120 is currently only available in the fast suspend model. The differences between the slow and fast suspend models is that the slow suspend is a little bit lighter and has a higher pitched rattle; therefore the noise it makes is going to be different in the water.

I have used the Mullet 120 in as shallow as a foot and a half of water and as deep as seven feet; it really just depends on how long you want to let it suspend before you start to retrieve it. This is a great lure to use along the seawall, especially if you have a lot of wind blowing up against there. It also works great around deep docks, let it get three to five feet down and start retrieving it and if there's a big fish in there, it's gonna come out and smash your lure. The Mullet 120 is also an ideal bait for fishing on the beach because it's going to cut right through the wind and it casts really well. It's not so heavy that you can throw it on a medium action rod. The Mullet 120 will stay a foot under the surface, depending on how fast you are retrieving it. You can retrieve this bait a little faster because it is heavy and it's not going to want to pop up to the surface as easy. This lure has excellent rolling and swimming action, it just kind of wobbles and rolls and looks a lot like a mullet cruising along. 

The Mullet 70 is ideal for when you need a small bait to get under the docks. The way you work the Mullet 70 or the Mullet 90 doesn't change from how you work the Mullet 120. We work all of the suspending and fast suspending mullet models the same way; a steady retrieve with light twitches or pulls.  The only thing that changes is how long you wait to let it suspend and the speed at which you retrieve it.

The key to this lure is you don't work it a whole lot, the less you do for it, the better it will do for you. Just use a very slow and steady retrieve and mix in a little twitch, just a little pull, that's all it takes. If you start twitching it a lot, your leader is going to get tangled around the hooks; that's not the way this lure was designed to be worked. If you try to do too much with it, you're just going to be frustrated because your line is going to keep getting tangled. So again, slow and steady retrieve and mix in a little pull every now and again, just barely moving the rod.

The Unfair Lures Mullet 70, 90 and 120 is available in a variety of different colors; you can sell all of the colors and purchase them from Treasure Coast Tackle by clicking here: Unfair Lures - Paul's Dinkum Mullet.

David - Treasure Coast Tackle

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