The big schools of jacks have been everywhere in the Indian River from the Jensen Causeway to the power lines. They are all 15 to 30 pound fish and in schools of hundreds. We've been lucky enough to catch them passing by the west side a few times and they will hit just about anything you throw. During a Joupdog Wading Adventures trip, one client was lucky enough to hook into one of these bruisers and land it after about a 20 minute fight!

The redfish are starting to show up a bit more around the mangroves on the east side and the shallows of the west bank. The redfish bite should only get better with every cold front.
Away from the flats, the bridges have also been extremely good lately. One night, we set out to catch tarpon and ended up jumping off four of them. Later that night, we landed two big snook that hit at the base of the pilings. One taped out to 36" and the other to 40". The past week the flare hawk bite has really picked up too. Every night we have been, we have managed at least one over slot fish and often three fish or more. Most of the fish are over slot, but the occasional slot fish is mixed in.

The bite has been great and the mullet run is on the decline. November should have some interesting fishing in store for everyone and we can only hope it is as good as this month!
David & Erica
Treasure Coast Tackle